Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stingray City

Yes, this is the same thing that killed the Crocodile Hunter.  Just a 45 minute slow boat ride off the coast of Grand Caymen is a sandbar where Stingrays and Humans interact. 

Paxton holding a Stingray

Chadon, watch out for the tail - more importantly the stinger!
Dalton and Chadon up close - if you look close the Stingray is on Dalton's chest.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Afraid of Heights? Don't look! Yah Mon!

Paxton on the first line (Dalton and Jazi looking on)
Are you serious, we have to climb that pole?

Dalton climbing to the perch (feeling like a high power linesman)

Sandi - just a little afraid of heights

Touching the clouds - so it seems! (Dalton)
Weight equals speed - It's the stopping I'm worried about!

They call it the "Screamer" - it made girls out of my three boys!


Do you worship creation or the creator?

Our family just returned from a wonderful vacation and we saw some unbelievable sites!  We were, at times, in awe of God's incredible creation.  As I marveled in awe with so many of those gorgeous views I was reminded of our study in Romans.  "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen" (Romans 1:25)
Jazi, Sandi, and Chadon on Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas

Amazingly, God created this particular island (left) by speaking nothing into beauty - stunning beauty!   

How easy then it is to sit back and begin to worship or honor His created things and not Him who created them?  Easier than you might think. 

One of the ways to define worship according to is "the object of adoring reverence or regard". There are cultures, religions, and people in the church who do just that out of more than just a beautiful island.  (Another post all together!)  To be honest, I fall into that temptation and sin more than I care to admit.  When we do not give all our adoring reverence or regard to our God and Creator we do the very same. 

Cozumel, Mexico
After seeing breathtaking view after breathtaking view I can understand how people were tempted to do such a thing.  

BUT, be reminded, as wonderful as God's revelation is in His creation (general revelation) is, there is something much better.  God's divine word (special revelation).  It is more sure, more perfect, and more trustworthy.  

Even creation, itself is waiting,  "For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.  For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now." (Romans 8:19-20)

Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Creation, itself, will be some day be more glorious!  

Yes, by all means, marvel at God's creation and enjoy what He has created, but be careful not to worship the created things.   Instead, worship the Creator for He revealed to us His Son!  

It His Son who will some day make all things new.
"And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” (Revelation 21:5)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Are you feeling WEAK?

I had the privilege of leading our serial reading last evening (Harvest Community Church) and wanted to post something brief about that passage.  The passage was from 2 Corinthians 12.  Paul recounts his experiences of being caught up in the third heaven or paradise "whether in the body or outside the body he does not know, but God knows".  (2 Corinthians 12:2,3)  It is impossible to even imagine what that must have been like!   It was so unbelievably amazing and fearful that he cannot tell anyone or utter anything that he has heard.  Paul didn't tell anyone about that vision or revelation for 14 years.  Paul, are you kidding?  The most unbelievable, unimanginable, and heavenly vision and you keep it a secret?

So, why now - after 14 years?

He needed the Corinthian church to understand NOT his greatness but his weakness.  God knows Paul's flesh and how easy it would have been for Paul to be puffed up and tell everyone how God had honored him by allowing him to see PARADISE.   Instead, God sent a thorn, a messenger of Satan, to keep him from being conceited.  Paul pleads 3 times for this to be removed, but praises God - yep, praises God for this weakness. When is the last time you thanked God in the circumstance you were in, even when it was something painful?
So, why make Paul weak?

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) 

Are you feeling weak?  Are you suffering physically (disease, illness, or run down), emotionally (from a spouse, a friend, or a son/daughter), financially (bad decision, loss of a job, or the economy), being painfully tempted, or phychologically (one or all the previous listed struggles)?  Are you at your weakest?  Then God is your answer - He is the only way to have strength in the time of weakness.  That's how God works!  It is all Him, and nothing to do with you!  

So, Paul understood it - wouldn't it be nice for you to say this with him . . .

"For when I am weak, then I am strong."  (2 Corinthians 12:10c)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What does it take to flush a Cow?

To start with it takes a really, really good cow! She really should posses one or more of the following.
Donor Cow:  KAP Gentle Utica

  1. She has an incredible pedigree behind her.  
  2. She has won a number of shows and a lot of people know about her - meaning her eggs would be valuable.
  3. She has already produced some outstanding offspring
  4. She has one or all of the above but cannot (mostly because of health or age) raise another one on her own.  
Flushing is not cheap!  So you better know that this is what you want to do from the beginning.  So here is the breakdown on costs:
  1. Drugs for flushing - $110-$130
  2. Flushing - $150-$250
  3. Semen costs - $25-$300 depending on what bull you are using - Miniature Hereford Semen is crazy expensive! Don't forget, you may have to pay for a semen certificate when you register the calf as an added expense.
  4. Freezing embryos - $35-$50/embryo
  5. Implanting Embryos - $45-65/embryo
  6. Boarding a cow if you need it can be $4-$9 per day
"Bianca" an ET calf out of the above cow Utica - she's good!
Do not forget that you will need to sync some cows for fresh transplanting or be on the lookout for good recips. It is good to have one or two cows ready in case you do have a couple non-freezable embryos but may be good enough for immediate transfer.  If you were to send your embryos to a place like Trans Ova because you do not have any recip cows, you can buy the pregnant recip for $2200-$2500 after 60 days verified.  (That may have gone up after the crazy cow prices around this area.)

One last thing to remember, the percentage for an embryo to develop into a pregnancy in a recip cow is around 50-60%, but you can't always count on that.   

SO, what does it take to flush a cow?   It takes quality (cow/heifer), cash, and planning (time to give shots, time to flush, and time to get your recips ready).

I sure hope those calves turn out!  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Miniature Hereford's - what makes them so special?

22 Cattle Company - 3 Miniature Hereford Heifers
Isn't it strange that as you get older you begin to enjoy history much more than when you were in school?  Studying history in the livestock industry is no different.  My dad, who is now 80 years old this year, absolutely loved feeding cattle.  I honestly think he would still be doing it to this day if it weren't for the 1980's.  An extremely tough time in the cattle industry and felt painfully hard in the Midwest.  Fortunately, my father was aware of the risks and chose not to feed cattle when he could not pencil a profit.  At that time, crop farming took precedent and he no longer filled his yards with cattle.  In fact, the fences were eventually removed, one by one, until corn or soybean rows filled the once busy cattle feedlot.  Although, his memories of feeding livestock live on to this day.

So what does that have to do with this post?  Well, when I look back at my dad's or uncle's 4-H scrapbook, guess which pictures always stand out?  Stop at an old stockyards or sale barn that decorate their walls with historic pictures.  Which breed of cattle often catches your eye?  For me, it's the pictures of the purebred Herefords with their stocky, solid build and their neatly curved horns.  Fat steers weighing right at 1000# or less.  Only, they weren't called miniatures back then. 

No longer do I need to hear my dad say, remember when. . .  I just ask him to come to the Iowa State Fair.  Dad, you can relive your childhood through your grandchildren.  You see, it is "SPECIAL" when there is a commonality between multiple generations all because of a breed of cattle.  The Miniature Hereford has certainly connected Granpa's history to the Grandchildren's future in our family.  Why not own a few yourself?  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

On the sixth day. . .

Genesis 1:24-25  "And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.  And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."

Registered Miniature Hereford Bull - "Ace" (first Miniature to be born on the 22 Cattle Company Farm)

I am excited to introduce my first little Miniature Hereford bull calf born on the 22 Cattle Company farm. God graciously created the livestock on the sixth day - perfectly formed - for His glory.  Man was created on the same day to have dominion over the livestock. What a priviledge and responsibility God has given us.  

Fleda (KAP Prince Oscar x KAP Lady Rachel) & "Ace" (KAP Lil Kid Vance)